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Habitat for Humanity International houses are sold with no profit made. Homeowners contribute "sweat equity" and house payments are recycled to build additional houses.

Thank you for considering a donation to Habitat For Humanity Hill County Inc.. Each gift you make helps a family in need of decent shelter. All Habitat For Humanity Hill County Inc. donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law and will be acknowledged with a letter you may use for those purposes. Gifts made on-line are safe, thanks to our secure-server capability and will be put to good use by Habitat. We take seriously our responsibility to contributors, to those counting on our help to be wise stewards of funds entrusted to us.

We raise all our funds locally and receive no funding from Habitat for Humanity International.  We support the efforts of Habitat for Humanity International by tithing 10% of all donations, unless the donation is restricted to be used Hill County.

© 2024 Habitat For Humanity Hill County Inc.
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